Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Learning a lot about life

So being a mom for the last 5 weeks has sure taught me a lot. 
Sleep is something you definitely need and when you don't get it....you can be mean:0)
Babies really do have different kinds of cries.  You hear that from moms you come in contact with and think that they are crazy, but it's true, they do.
It's really frustrating when the baby poops all over three outfits in less than 3 hours. 
Laundry is now a NEVER ENDING chore....yuck!
Sometimes you really just want to be alone.
when my Eloise smiles and laughs in her sleep
               when she stretches and snuggles me
when she looks around the room with her beautiful blue eyes
                              when I see her grow,
All that stuff at the top of the page, is so worth it.

I love being her mom!

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