Monday, November 15, 2010

Life is working.....knock on wood.

So it is a new week.  Yay for that.
Pretty sure I did absolutely nothing that's really crappy.
But, I think that it is still okay.
         Today we found out that Douglas was ACCEPTED in the BYU BUSINESS PROGRAM.
That means school will be able to be over faster. 
                      It also means that starting in January, I will have no husband because he will have 15 credit hours.  Crazy. 
Plus, I'll be in school too, so we probably won't see each other, but I will sacrifice anything right now so that my husband can be done with school sooner. 
       Even though it sounds crazy and kinda insane, I'm really grateful that I will be in school and Douglas will be in school because we will be able to provide for our family easier and sooner.

                 Sacrifice is a part of life and right now it's working out.  


  1. YAY for education!!! Congrats Douglas!!! Thanks Elise for all you have sacrificed for Douglas to finish school! I love you both!

  2. Congrats!!! That's great! It's not so fun when the husband is gone all the time, but it is definitely worth it.
