Monday, November 15, 2010

Life is working.....knock on wood.

So it is a new week.  Yay for that.
Pretty sure I did absolutely nothing that's really crappy.
But, I think that it is still okay.
         Today we found out that Douglas was ACCEPTED in the BYU BUSINESS PROGRAM.
That means school will be able to be over faster. 
                      It also means that starting in January, I will have no husband because he will have 15 credit hours.  Crazy. 
Plus, I'll be in school too, so we probably won't see each other, but I will sacrifice anything right now so that my husband can be done with school sooner. 
       Even though it sounds crazy and kinda insane, I'm really grateful that I will be in school and Douglas will be in school because we will be able to provide for our family easier and sooner.

                 Sacrifice is a part of life and right now it's working out.  

By Request :0)

Pictures of my beautiful two month old baby.  Requested by a Grandma who doesn't live so close.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Happiness

So the other night I was having a really hard time.  As usual Douglas just said something not even meaning to be rude or careless or anything and I started to cry because of the emotions that I had bottled up. 

See there's this thing that no one tells you about after you have a baby.  Not only have you spent a crap load of money on maternity clothes and baby supplies, but after that baby comes out, none of your clothes or shoes fit that fit before so you have to buy a whole bunch of new stuff then.  Really, no matter how much exercise you do, your stuff never fits the same.  No one tells you that.

   Anyway, that was my moment.  I haven't really felt much like myself since Eloise was born.  Your identity isn't really you anymore, it's you and your baby.  You are no longer Elise and Douglas, your Elise and Douglas and baby.  No one really wants to see you, they want to see your baby.  Your body still isn't yours because Eloise needs it to eat and really it doesn't look like it did before I was pregnant so sometimes I stand in the mirror and wonder how my head got on this other lady's body. 
   I have tried really hard to be positive and learn how to work with the changes that have happened and let's be honest, I've had a hard time......but I have a really great happiness.
   As I was crying and feeling bad, my husband was so perfect.  He looked at me and said "you're right, you don't look like you did when I married you.  You're right, I was attracted to you the way you looked when we were dating.  That doesn't mean that I'm not attracted to the woman you've become now.  Just cause you look a little different doesn't mean that you're not who I love.  We change and we change together." 
   Now, I know what all of you women are thinking, 'Elise he lied to you :0)' or 'you are SO niave'.  You know what, I don't think so.  Douglas is right.  I still love him and he may not change very much until he's an old man and he may change appearance a whole lot, but he is my happiness.  Not his body, but his personality.  The fact that he wrestles me, tickles me, laughs with me, hugs me when i cry, calls me crazy (cause I am).  He is my happiness when he holds my daughter and tells her that he loves her.  Tells her about how silly her mommy is and how much fun we're going to have as a family.  He is my happiness because he reminds me that I'm his happiness no matter if I look the way I did before or how I look now with a little more in places I wish there wasn't.
  I know it may seem crazy, but isn't it nice to know that I can be someone's happiness no matter how I look and someone can be mine no matter how they look.  I think we all need to be reminded that we are all someone's happiness and you may not even know it.
              Someone loves you just the way you are.


Monday, November 1, 2010


So it was a little difficult this year to decide what to do about Halloween.  I really didn't want to find a costume for my small baby because A. she can't trick or treat & B. I didn't want the candy cause I'm trying to be skinny again
   in the end we decided to dress her up and Aunt Kimberly gave us the idea.
                 Grandma Hardman (aka Liz) and I executed the plan.

Costume is a 4T turtle neck that we added snaps to the bottom to close it like a onesie and cut off the extra long sleeves to make her leggings.
Cricut iron on flocking cut on the paper dolls cricut cartridge.  24x12 size at the biggest it would cut.
Tule tu tu and a rocking hair thing made by Aunt Aly.
End result.............

Eloise was a baby skeleton. 
        And I think she looked stinkin cute, but I have a biased opinion!
We had fun though.  We went and saw all the Grandparents in Riverton and Draper, was cooed over in Cabelas and by the end of the night had peed through every layer including the costume and so it wasn't clean for the Grandparents down here.  *Sigh*  Life with a baby :0)

First Halloween down, at least 11 more to go.


Beauty School Drop Out....

So I've finally decided and committed to what I'm going to do with my life.
I'm headed to cosmetology school!
I'm actually really excited.  I'll be able to cut hair, do make-up, do nails, eyelash extensions, and permanent cosmetics!   It always seemed like something that I would want to learn, but never really seemed like a good idea.  However, the more and more I thought about what I would want to be able to do if I ever needed to work, it seemed to interest me the most.  So yay!
I hope I don't become a beauty school drop out like Frenchie from Grease and I definitely hope I don't ever color mine or anyone else's hair pink! (unless they want me too)
Anyway, if you know anyone who needs these services, look me up in the future :0)


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Learning a lot about life

So being a mom for the last 5 weeks has sure taught me a lot. 
Sleep is something you definitely need and when you don't get can be mean:0)
Babies really do have different kinds of cries.  You hear that from moms you come in contact with and think that they are crazy, but it's true, they do.
It's really frustrating when the baby poops all over three outfits in less than 3 hours. 
Laundry is now a NEVER ENDING chore....yuck!
Sometimes you really just want to be alone.
when my Eloise smiles and laughs in her sleep
               when she stretches and snuggles me
when she looks around the room with her beautiful blue eyes
                              when I see her grow,
All that stuff at the top of the page, is so worth it.

I love being her mom!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

New....and Grateful

So I haven't posted in a while. Mostly because when I got put on bed rest, I'll admit, I got really depressed.  I didn't really want anything to do with anything so I didn't.  I'm better now because my beautiful daughter is here and even though we have our rough spots, she is way more fun out of my belly :0)

I am posting some pictures from her first photo shoot.  It was so much fun.  My cousin Jessie took the pictures and she is so patient and got some really fantastic pictures.  I just love her.  It was so much fun to watch my baby decide if she was going to be happy or not.

Mostly I'm blogging today about a few things that I have been thinking about as of late.  I hope that anyone who reads this blog doesn't get offended, but I really need to vent a little. 
I have been very frustrated with the news and the world making such a big deal about Elder Packard's talk from conference.  I understand that it was not what people wanted to hear, but when does conference really ever have a whole bunch of talks about things we want to hear.  I'm pretty certain I remember a talk a while back about piercings that really angered me, but that doesn't mean it isn't what the Lord wanted us to and needed us to hear.  I know that now the topic at the fore front all over this nation is about certain attractions that people have to each other.  I do not profess to know any answers about these attractions or what really can be done except for unconditional love and being there for any person you may meet who needs you to listen.  However, I do not understand how I am asked to love and accept how they feel without hesitation, but they cannot do the same for my beliefs and how I feel.  I'm sorry that everyone in the world right now doesn't understand the stand that the church has on same sex and same gender attraction and marriage, but they are allowed to feel that way.  If you want me to feel unconditional love and acceptance of how you choose to live your life, then please have the same respect towards how I choose to live mine. 
Please know that I do have people very close to me that are dealing with some of these struggles and decisions.  I have also lost people close to me that were dealing with these questions as well and I love them and I'm there for them if they need me.  I also hope that they understand that I want to do as my Heavenly Father asks and that they respect me enough to know that what I believe is important to me.  I will never force the way I feel on another individual so please don't force me to believe the way you feel. 
Okay enough of that.....thank you for letting me vent.

On a happier note, let's see some pics of my beautiful baby!

Oh she's so cute.  And so are we :0)

Hopefully I can blog some more now that I am feeling better!  Talk to you soon!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Yay for being pregnant

So I love being pregnant ( states Elise sarcastically )

If you haven't heard yet, I am now part of the greatest pregnant club ever.....the bedrest club!   Yay for that.  I have PIH which is the new fancy acronym for pre eclympsia.  Anyway. I'm  here in bed ever day until Eloise is ready to come. Sweet. 
My husband is such a sweety because he gave me such a good quote the night we found out that I would be on bedrest.  He said he was given this quote when he was on his mission, "Come what may and love it."  That's what I've been trying to do because I love that I'm not in the hospital and I love that I'm not having a baby that is in NICU.
It's kinda hard because I'm not one to just sit and do nothing all day, but I have grand plans to read books and scrap book stuff, so we'll see if I can do it.  Probably not, but we'll see how it goes.  hahaha
I just wanted to say I'm so grateful for everyone who has been helping Douglas and I so far and helping me by cleaning my house and grocery shopping for me. 
I will never be able to put into words how much I am thankful to my Heavenly Father for surrounding me with people who love me so much!

Any suggestions to keep me busy let me know.

Love everyone,

Elise and Eloise

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'm grateful.....

Today was a rough day....I was throwing up all day today and I have no idea why.  For a while I was really upset about it, but then I realized that I needed to be grateful because there are so many things that could be worse.
You see this week has been rough for Douglas and myself.  Douglas had to go to work in Colorado this week which is a blessing and a curse.  He's gone for a week, but he makes more when he does work out there.  So it's a catch 22.  I want him here, but we need to save for our baby Eloise so it's a dilemma.
Well, this week in Colorado was really rough for Douglas because he got stung by wasps at a home he was working at and he has allergic reaction to bee stings.  His hand stared to swell and hurt really bad.  He uses his hands all day and was far from our hospital and doctors so he was really stressed.  On top of that it started to rain and he does all of his job outside so he was hurting and soaking wet at the same time. 
Because of who I am, I"m not a very good listener because I just want to take action and fix it, so I wasn't very sympathetic to him because I was trying to make him think positive and thinking of how I could make it didn't help.  hahaha
So what did I do, I called our insurance company.  I'm so grateful for insurance, even though it costs a lot of money, it helps so much.  They told me because it was an emergency it was completely covered because he was out of state.  So I found an urgent care on Google near where he was....I'm grateful for Google.  He maybe didn't want to go, but he did and he was so much better!!!
So today was rough because I was throwing up all day with taking the medicine I've had to take since the beginning of being pregnant.  I'm not sure why, but it was draining, but I found out why I'm grateful for that.  Eloise was moving and grooving like crazy today.  She's still growing and she was moving so I wasn't worried so I guess I'm grateful for throwing upHahaha
It's kinda funny, but I tried to have a positive attitude today and it worked.  It was just rough.  I'm grateful for the lesson that I learned today.  Staying positive helps. I'm grateful for my Heavenly Father for teaching me that lesson apparently I needed to learn it. 

Love you all,

Elise and Eloise (cause she's with me too :o) )

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wow it's Almost JULY

July is right around the corner!  Holy Cow!

Well we've been busy.  We went to Moab and it was so freakin' HOT!
 I can't even believe I survived cause the whole time I was sweaty!  That's never happened to me before.
Something I thought was so funny, when we were hot and outside and hiking Eloise held perfectly still.  I don't think she liked the heat.  I think she just floated in there uncomfortably wishing she could be like 'mom, get me in the pool or the air conditioning.' See, she's got some Douglas in her :0)

We had so much fun with my family and Dallas and the Price family.  Here are a few pics.

Beautiful place.  Yes I hiked to Delicate was far. And Douglas is being the Little Mermaid again, yes shirtless.

Well, it's been crazy fun, more stuff to come!
Yay for life.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Life....sometimes is no fun

So I realized last night that sometimes being an adult isn't really any fun.....
  Why is it that you have to have all sorts of responsibility to learn anything from life?
Can't I just hang out all day and do fun things and still learn what I need to from life?
   I don't really like having to do dishes or cook dinner,
   I don't really like cleaning the house or doing the laundry,
   I don't really like it when I have to go to bed alone because my husband is doing homework,

I do like the sun
And the fact I'm going to be a mom.
I do like the breeze
I do like the mountains and water and trees.

Why can't I just do those things all day?

Sorry I'm complaining, but lately I've been really down.  It's hard to be positive when you think you're doing right and everything keeps going wrong.
OH will be over soon right?
And I still am alive and can be grateful for life......I'll try.

Hopefully a happier post will come.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

What we've been up to lately....

We've been kinda busy these past couple days. But is has been so FUN!
Last Saturday we went looking for two items we have been saving up for and we were able to get them!
A video camera and a brand new camera!  It's awesome because now we can be completely practiced up for when Eloise comes and we'll be able to capture so many fun moments!
Douglas is the video camera operator and I am the camera operator for now :0) We'll probably switch off every now and then, but that's currently who's in charge of which devices.
We've also made a little bit more progress on the second bedroom, which is so great.  We're getting closer all because of my Dad and Mom.  They are such hard workers.

Douglas and I are working still and so that sometimes makes for tired nights, but we're trying to still learn about Eloise coming and getting our home ready for her. 
We'll also be starting our birthing class on July 9, which makes us both excited, but WOW that means that a baby is coming soon.  I'm kind of scared, but that will probably just get worse before it gets better...but it will get better.....right?

My mom and sisters and I have also been up to making some fun things for Eloise when she gets here.  I've posted a picture of one of our latest projects.  Promise it's cute!  
Anyway, that's what's been happening at our humble abode, so ya.

Love you!

Aunt Darlene at Art City Days Parade
Douglas at Parade
Lexi too!
Douglas and his new Video Camera
Camo Booties!  Yes we made them girly.  And they are stinkin cute!
(All pictures taken with our New Nikon Camera)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lots of New....ton

Haha, I'm so funny....well I think I'm so funny.  It's tons of new stuff..."New-ton"

I'm finally bloggin since I haven't in like I don't know...FOREVERRRRRRRRR!
We've had a few exciting things happen in the last couple of months.
First of all we're PREGNANT!  yay for a new member of our family!
Second, Doug finished another semester of school. Yay for that cause Douglas hates school...haha!
Third, Doug decided NOT to go sell alarm systems with APX which I'm really glad about so now I have a husband for the summer.  That's exciting.
Fourth, we found out our baby is......A GIRL!!!!

We also just went to Zion National park after we found out.  It was my Mother's Day present kinda.  It's funny though because I want everyone to know that hiking in Zion is FREAKIN hard.  Especially when you're pregnant but we had tons of fun!

Gorgeous huh?  Anyway, it was way awesome.  Thanks to Tim for the trailer and Justina for coming so me and my belly weren't the only girls!

And just so everyone knows we do have a name for our baby!!! SHE WILL BE ELOISE ALEXIS NEWTON!
(Douglas picked it out)

Well those have been our adventures over the past while.  We'll see if I can keep up with life on the blog now :0)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Stuff that has happened

Sorry, I haven't posted in a while.  I know how that feels for people who are like me and blog stalk other people and hate not seeing something new everyday :0)

I'll blog about my birthday.  It's so funny cause I just asked Doug what i should blog about.  When I said birthday, he said 'wow i didn't take any pictures of your birthday....i'm sorry.'

Haha he's so funny.

I got fun presents.  Gift cards from Cheryl. Perfect things from my sister :0).  A mini straightener from my mom and dad and a massage chair.  My massage chair is the bomb.
I got a giftcard for nails from Mitch and Jennica and a massage from Scott and Kimberly.
My favorite present was from Douglas.  He got me an ipod touch and he even got it all uploaded with music and games for me.  What a sweet husband I have!

I just love all of my family and I want to say thank you very very much for all coming and for all of my presents.
Love you guys!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I just wanted to blog today about how grateful I am for all of the things I am given.
I'm grateful for my husband and how much he does for me everyday. No man likes doing laundry or dishes, but he does it because he knows how happy it makes me.
I'm so grateful for family who is always there.  I know sometimes it seems like I don't love you enough, but I promise you are always in my prayers.  I wouldn't be anything without what you give me.
I'm so grateful for doctors and nurses who finally understand I'm not crazy.  Thanks for giving me medicine that helps me feel better.

Mostly today I want to say I'm grateful for how much my Heavenly Father loves me.  He sent me all of these beautiful guardian angels.  My family, the doctors, my husband, my ward, even the little lady at Walgreen's.  He brought all of these people along my path to help me and I love him so much for that.

That's all.  Take that Satan :0)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sometimes Satan is Annoying

I've decided today that Satan really  likes to throw curve balls at you.
I'm not sure if it's to humble you and they are lessons from the Lord
if Satan just thinks it's freaking HILARIOUS to make people cry.

Why is it do you think that I need to feel as miserable as he does?
I'm not sure I need to have that in order to feel the joy.

I cried today at work, thinking the whole time, "I've been doing so well lately. You have no power to make me feel this way..."
And yet,
for some reason he does.
I felt miserable.....all day.

I've decided that no matter what, sometimes the world really gets you down....
But then a glimmer of hope....

My dear sweet cousin Jessie reminds me with a simple status update on Facebook
"That did not go as I'd hoped it would. Ah well, I have many more blessings than I do trials, so we are all good! :o)"

I have more blessings than trials............yes I do.
Thank you so much for my life, even when it is hard.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Off the beaten path

Most recently we went 4-wheeling with my 2 favorite people...Tim and Justina! Here are a few pictures of our adventure. Don't forget to check out the one of Stina and I looking sexy in our cold weather gear. Oh and the bike jumping is by Tim and Stina. Douglas and I were on a borrowed bike so we weren't about to jump it. (Thanks again Jed and Kallie)

Monday, January 11, 2010


I'm sorry for my actions
My weakness, my words
I know it doesn't make it better
It will probably just make it worse
But I just want to tell you
Even if you don't believe

I know that I love you
I know that you care
I promise I hear you
Even when I'm not there
I want to always do right by you
As a friend, never a foe
Please just understand I'm doing what God asked me to do

Your Mom.

I wrote this poem because I feel that anyone who reads it will need it just as much as I did when I wrote it. Current and future mom's need to be able to say all of these things and sometimes they just can' , she's only doing the hard task that God gave her
to protect you.

Love you all!